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Bloody Scab

Bloody Scab
Bloody Scab Bloody Scab Bloody Scab Bloody Scab Bloody Scab Bloody Scab Bloody Scab Bloody Scab

Artificial blood for theater, film and Halloween

No. 100028

  • Color: red
  • Material: Aqua, Propylene Glycol, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Triethanolamine, ImidazolidinylUrea, Methylparaben, CI 16035, CI073015

This Bloody Scab from maskworld.com is anextra high-quality special FX product that guarantees professional results when usedproperly. Apply Bloody Scab directly to yourskin and spread it as required. Apply it with a coarsesponge to create scratches and the back of a knife or athin brush to draw small cuts.

Typical applications:

Apply a small amount of Bloody Scab to a clean,coarse sponge and use light pressure to wipe it acrossthe parts of your body or face that might get grazed (your nose, cheeks, chin orknuckles). Repeat the procedure, making parallel stripesuntil the wound looks deep enough. Use a bit of potting soil orbird sand to imitate dirt.
You can use Bloody Scab to fill all deeper latexspecial FX wounds. Apply Bloody Scab with a toothpickor fine brush to the depression in the wound. For cuts orstabs, draw a line of Bloody Scab from the inside of the wound over the edge and ontoyour skin so the cut comes to a fine end.
Take an applicator or a dull knife and draw lines of Bloody Scab directly onto your skin. Use a cotton bud dipped in Bloody Scab to draw streaks as well.

(Caution: Do not use Bloody Scab in or near your eyes! Bloody Scab cancause permanent stains on some textiles and surfaces. Do not use it oncarpets or upholstered furniture. For use by children under 10 underparental supervision only. Do not use this product if you are allergic to any of theingredients listed.

Included in delivery

  • One container of Bloody Scab (Contents: 15 g)

To be found in these categories
Attention! This product is not a toy. Intended for use by teenagers and adults age 14 and up. Do not use in or near your eyes. Do not apply on lips or on mucous membranes. Do not use this product if you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed. Be careful with textiles and surfaces ? fake blood can stain them.
Shelf life 12 months
Keep out of reach of children.
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Bloody Scab
Bloody Scab Bloody Scab Bloody Scab Bloody Scab Bloody Scab Bloody Scab Bloody Scab Bloody Scab
5,99 €
incl. VAT, excl. shipping, (399,33 €/kg)
No. 100028
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