From the medieval corset to the leather bodice
The medieval corset or a leather bodice can be found in our online shop. The bodice from the Middle Ages was mostly made of linen or cotton. A medieval corset does not really exist. It is a stiff bodice, that is actually called stays in Renaissance Age. Confused? We clarify: Basically everything that has to do with corsetry are bodices. No matter if they are called laced bodice, corsage, corselet, stays, bodies or corsets. However, if it is strapless, slightly strengthened and can be worn as the only outerwear, it is a corsage or corselet. This garment did not appear until the middle of the 20th century. If the bodice is strengthened with e.g. metal or whale bones, serves to strongly deform the figure and is to be worn under the clothing, it is a corset or stays. That bodice form has been more or less around since the beginning of the bodice. The word bodice in today's linguistic usage can be found more often in traditional costumes or historical clothing for ladies.
Bodices in the Middle Ages were first used as undergarments from the early 16th century onwards. Soon they were also available as soft laced bodices for outerwear in combination with a skirt. The early stages of bodices of the Middle Ages can, however, be traced back to the High Middle Ages. Already upper parts of dresses were laced, as our sleeveless Surcot "Selene", a kind of upper tunic. A stiff bodice as underwear developed in the Renaissance out of the Medieval bodice, also known as laced breast, laced body, bodies, corps or today more commonly known as stays, the Renaissance corset. The shape was conical according to Spanish and French fashion. The Stays, the bodice of the Renaissance, made a slim figure, but the chest was pushed flat. The Name corset became popular in the 18th century. In the middle of the 19th century, the hourglass shape of the corset emerged. The wasp waist was popular until the early 20th century.
Nowadays the medieval corset is still very popular in Larp, as gothic clothing or even fetish accessory. What would medieval markets or a Larp be without a Lady in an elegantly laced bodice, steampunk corset or leather corset as armor? No matter if you are a tapmaid, a buccaneer or an aristocratic lady, a medieval bodice or a laced bodice are always a real eye-catcher!
Medieval corset - How to wear laced bodice & leather bodice
A laced bodice almost always includes a matching blouse, as well as an elegant skirt or a simple dress. These can be ideally combined with the right medieval corset or e.g. leather bodice of the Middle Ages. A beautiful bodice, like a leather bodice or a leather bustier are versatile in use in the Larp or on the medieval market. They fit with a range of character concepts. The captainess will benefit greatly from a steampunk corsage with buckles. Or a tapmaid in a tightly laced suede bodice lulls the customer even more. A Renaissance corset helps the noblewoman to find the right shape. A Victorian Corset fits as Steampunk Corset, for Vampire Larp, as Gothic Corset or as Western Corset for the Saloon Lady.
A Gothic Corset - The Right Bodice for the Gothic Event
A kind of medieval corset like our "Bodice Belt - Wizardess" is perfect as a gothic corset. But also other medieval bodices like the "Leather Corsage - Explorer" is a beautiful bodice for Gothic events of any kind and improves all Gothic dresses. Also the one or other bodice dress is suitable in correct coloring as a leather corsage for Gothic fashion. As a Vintage Goth corset a.k.a. Steampunk corset, a Victorian corset is of course very suitable. Or a medieval corset in brown that brings the Victorian dress into shape.
The leather corset as leather armour for ladies
An armor leather corset belt from the Middle Ages, which might be inspired by antiquity or some fantasy world, can offer protection to its wearer in the fight. Our Leather Bustier for witches is perfect as an armor piece for dark ladies like a female Orc or Drow. Also our leather corsets from the Middle Ages made of sued are, like a jerkin, a good basic piece to put more armor parts on it. A leather bodice dress is a beautiful tunic. And our leather corsage made of armour leather is just as good as any leather armour for men. If you combine a corset belt or a leather corsage with a corresponding belt system for shoulders or gorget, you have a wonderful woman's armour.
Leather bustier, leather bodice & leather corset by Andracor
If you choose an Andracor leather laced bodice, you get quality and long durability. Our medieval corsets made of suede & medieval bodices are no exception. Our leather girdles from the Middle Ages, which we manufacture in our own workshop, are based on models from the fantasy sector and offer high wearing comfort for the larp lady, who is often on the road for days.
The leather bodice from the Middle Ages and the medieval corset are always available in four different colours. We exclusively use vegetable tanned leather for both our 3.5 cm thick armour leather corsage, as well as with our suede bodice and every suede corset dress. Our leather corsets are available in different standardized sizes, so that you can find the right piece for every wearer.
Andracor also offers its own beautiful cotton bodices as part of its own brand "Andracor Garments". Take a look! You will surely find the right bodice of the Middle Ages or the matching leather corset with us.